Sidemount skills demonstrations on YouTube

Have you seen our series of Sidemount skills demo videos on YouTube? Between January and June 2020, we’ve added new videos regularly on Sundays, #sidemountsunday, if you wish.

Mainly made for our Sidemount and Sidemount Plus students, they may also come in useful if you are looking to refresh your skills. If you have never dived Sidemount before, these videos give you an idea of what to expect from a course.

Like with most things in diving, these videos or demonstrations aren’t perfect – believe me, it’s hard to admit that. There is always room for improvement, no matter what level of diver you are. Reviewing and editing them has given me plenty of ideas for what to practice and which part of my setup to tinker with. 

Speaking of tinkering with equipment, of course there is such a thing as a correctly set up harness. However, there are plenty of different philosophies behind Sidemount diving and skills demo videos also. For those interested in learning more, check out the Speaking Sidemount podcast.

As you go through these Sidemount skills demo videos, you will see them progress from basic to technical sidemount diving skills. 

You don’t need to be a technical diver to become or Sidemount diver or vice versa, but there are plenty of reasons to consider tech Sidemount. Cave diving is one of them, where Sidemount enables greater flexibility and movement through very small spaces. Having said that, even in open ocean, there are reasons for Sidemount. If you’re keen to find out more, check this article on the TDI blog.

Last but not least, we hope the videos are a little entertaining also!